Греши, пока... - перевод А. Блока

By Alexander Blok

The deuces tell:

Be sinful, while you're excited
With innocent your's, but the  sins,
While a beauty is attracted, smiling,
Conjured by your poems.

For fun, for consolation now -
Drink wine again, the sparkling beverage.
While this wine you do like, while it now
Doesn't bother you and give you sadness.

And if the eyes flash with the insolence-
You shouldn't deny their sparkling light,
Whispering to sins, to wine, to passion
The Amen words, in night delight.

Because you know - the fascination
Will come to end, and in crazy hour,
You, being in repentance frenzied,
Will curse all us, the poor us.

And you'll begin to fall - in a crowd
We'll, as the angels pure, fly
And catch you up, that's in the order
To keep you safe from the stones sharp...

10 dec 1913


Благими намерениями... :)

Людмила 31   08.05.2012 21:50   Заявить о нарушении
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