
Sooting torches beacon me, being borne by so horny arms
Coarse fabrics on your skins bury in the rudeness of your hearts
Bitterness deforms your faces to rugged masks of scorn and spite
Shoes of crude rough leather pound the ground where they stride
Wicked thoughts in your brains dim your minds to obscurity
Righteous anger brews in senses, oh, I see how it misleads
In a horde of blinded souls I float step by step
To the town square we crawl, where handmade Hell Gate awaits

Wooden poles, piles of hay, women tied with disgrace
Man in red mounts the platform, on the bottom his robe is torn
A bundle lies in pallid arms, the ill-skinned sinister child
Vulturous fingers unfurl it, crimson lips with wrath read it
Vindictive words pour onto the air, flood the square and the heads of men
With charge with using magic and summoning the grim fate
To fall onto the lives of people, bring sickness, plagues and disease
With serving the evil demons with their master, the Devil

I refuse to trust my ears, I deny what my eyes see
As the burning torches kindle hay in front of me
Throes of fury and fear throb in my chest
As I dash on my horse towards the middle of the square
Cut the ropes, oh my sharp sword, grab, my hands, my sister
Carry us, my faithful horse, out of the fooled swarm
This couldn't be for real, with your hands you only heal
Thousands you saved from death, yet for that you met flames?

Within those who burn now, whom the tongues of fire lovely embrace
From their skin with fondness undress, I uncover no vicious mark
On the poles, tied with ropes, betrothed to ashing lover
Cindering beloved, incinerating sweetheart, perish in blaze two pure lives
Whistle tears the air, a giant smashes my back
Before my sight all turns pale as I fall into the pack
Of enraged humble people, who lug me on scorching brick
Whilst the vindictive voice proclaims a new verdict
But I do not listen, I only stare before of my
Upon how the savage crowd drags my sister back to the fire
