I wanna run away


I wanna run away from me
And see this world at all.
I wanna hear the voice of sea
Instead of waterfall.
I gonna kiss the devil’s lips
And give my soul to him,
I gonna touch the goddess’s hips
If only it’s a dream.
I hear the voice from deep inside:
"I’m free!" I know this fact,
So that I do not wanna hide
My reason to erect
That gives me all to make me live,
So maintains my life
And also always can forgive
Me touching any knife...

I like it,but it is not simple the way to write English poetory then u are Russian.Some words like "wonna"seems to be scarcely often and often really

Вадим Ветлугин4   14.07.2012 09:14     Заявить о нарушении
I think it may be so.
As I remember I quoted Linkin Park -- Runaway.

Влад Феникс Леонтьев   10.09.2012 15:07   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.