Audrey Hepburn

May 4th - Audrey Hepburn's birthday.  In 2014, it has been 85 years since she was born.

Audrey Hepburn is a multitalented performer – a ballet dancer, model, singer, actress.
Her fame expanded rapidly creating among audiences or fans an admiration, madness.
She had become an icon of all times in motion picture industry and philanthropic venue.
Audrey evolved as an innovative thinker and original creator of diversified life’s menu.

Sabrina, Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Charade, The Nun’s Story, My Fair Lady…
Dainty and delicate, Audrey had grown to be sophisticated, fashionable, stylish, trendy.
She was a muse for Givenchy and Avedon as well as worldwide to many other people.
Never pretending to be someone else, Hepburn remained to be as natural and simple.

Imaginative, open minded, bright, playful, refreshing, affable, tender and passionate…
She was considerate, kind hearted, loving, understanding, caring and compassionate.
Audrey was mischievous a little, genuine a lot and always funny, humorous and witty.
In Hollywood, United States and the entire world she was a sweetheart or a sweetie.

Audrey possessed a childlike innocence, grace, elegance, taste, eloquence, beauty, solidity,
As well as peaceful and optimistic attitude, enthusiasm, integrity, hope, faith and dignity.
She was a girl and woman, two in one - affectionate, sensitive, feminine, pure, charming.
Hepburn discovered, nurtured and maintained her own style and built her audience’s army.

Hepburn’s free spirit sparkled and exuded her inner light, love, courage, loyalty and kindness.
She was perceptive and responsive to the needs of others, offering her generosity and guidance.
Audrey took other people’s pain right to her heart and soul while making a profound contribution
To children’s hunger, in her attempt pursuing mission as humanitarian with purpose and solution.

May 4th is Audrey Hepburn’s birthday, we pay our tribute and express appreciation
For her contribution and commitment to show business and humanitarian mission.
The star of Audrey Hepburn will always shine throughout time and infinite dimension. 
Today’s a very special day – a worldwide icon Audrey Hepburn’s birthday celebration.

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
