This is an ideal opportunity for sponsors

• The Russian market has the most potential for the highest profit returns on investment outside of Asia. There is a risk factor there is no doubt about it, but what if that risk can be reduced substantially!

The RRL is setting up a Business Introduction Service for all those who are involved with RL around the world. This service will keep companies abreast of political and market forces allowing companies to react quickly and instigate any change needed before any serious damage can be done to the companies profits.

Moscow is vast, and its a nightmare for those who are new to the Russian way of doing things, the RRL can save time, money and stress by introducing the right officials at the right time and place.

• John Slade
Russian Rugby League
Board member for overseas development
Estonia Rugby
I am currently looking for an international corporate sponsor that is looking to expand their product, service throughout Russia. The corporate sponsorship money will be used for flight-travel for the RRL, Canada vs Russia game being held in Toronto August 11th 2012 with a return game 2013 in Moscow in which the corporate sponsors name will be attached to the Cup, and RRL kit.



Canada Rugby League is extremely interested in hosting Russia in an International match in Toronto in 2012. It would be in August or September. As you may know Canada has burst onto the international Rugby League scene and have risen to #21st in the world rankings. They have a strong squad and would provide a good test for Russia. They would like to host Russia in Toronto where they would pick up all ground expenses, hotels, training grounds, and transportation whilst there.

The match will be covered nationally on television , and they would be able to provide footage for television in the Russia. Also, of course, they would reciprocate with a return match in Russia in 2013. They do their own television production and would be able to fully integrate their sponsors into the broadcast with logo bugs and mentions.

The matches will be at Lamport Stadium (10,000) in Toronto. It will have a sell out crowd and that should provide not only a great experience for the players but also for sponsors. Canada RL are able provide on site inventory for sponsors as well. Both nations have a great sporting rivalry.

This is an ideal opportunity for sponsors who see such sporting activities adding value to their international branding program, for further information do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Edgard A. Taturyan, President

От кого: Eric Perez 
Тема: Canada v Russia
Hello Edgard, I would like to first say happy holidays to you and I hope you have an excellent 2012. Canada is extremely interested in hosting Russia in an International match in Toronto in 2012. Our best time would be in August or September. As you may know Canada has burst onto the international Rugby League scene and have risen to #21st in the world rankings. We have a strong squad and would provide a good test for Russia. We would like to host Russia here in Toronto where we would pick up all ground expenses, hotels, training grounds, and transportation whilst here.

The match will be covered nationally on television here, and we would be able to provide footage for television in the Russia. Also, of course, we would reciprocate with a return match in Russia in 2013. We do our own television production and we would be able to fully integrate your sponsors into the broadcast with logo bugs and mentions.

Our matches will be at Lamport Stadium (10,000) in Toronto. We will have a sell out crowd and that should provide not only a great experience for your players but also for your sponsors. We are able provide on site inventory for your sponsors as well. Our nations have a great sporting rivalry which I think we can continue in our great sport. I look forward to hearing from you and possibly facing your side on the field in 2012.


Eric Perez
P: 416 831 7200
PUK: 02079936190
I am a member of the Estonian chamber of commerce and President of the Estonian rugby federation. The Russian Rugby League Association have been invited to play against Canada in Toronto on or about August-September time.

The RRL have asked me to help find sponsorship to help finance the trip and I feel that its an opportunity your members would find exciting. Should you feel its worth while, please do not hesitate to drop me a line for further details.

The Estonian Rugby Federation patron the Earl of Carlisle supports fully the proposed Canada vs Russia two leg challenge cup. He will inform his House of Lords friends of the proposed encounter, and ask them to help find sponsorship for the games. It would certainly help with the development of international cooperation , when the global economy needs something to cheer about, he said.

John Slade
Russian Rugby League
Board member for overseas development
Estonia Rugby
