Wealthy elite bastards fell...

Wealthy elite bastards fell,
Settled in the bound.
We're brainless cattle them,
And we do not fuck...
And his own purse,
into a bank account.
Assured thirteenth salary
While the working suck.

I am working for the sake,
For conscience and honor.
standing While on the fake,
Alcogol and drugs...
play the fool and solitaire,
gone up smoke in sorrow,
and the headscarf Plowing bent,
While you clean your pants.

Let's see how many sing,
When you have to nail.
As a nice little return
everything is Good.
The ship coming on the reef,
Verse shakes the air.
Spread pitiful a moan,
While he was stood

Throw salary scumbag
so put on the table
We do not know the right
Yes you are wrong
thirteenth salary so black
working class so maybe
take it to superiors
power of strong
