Б. Ахмадулина По улице моей - версия песни EN LT
March 2012
My air is full of distant memories
Of mine who are farwest gone to God.
I friendly liked that silent trees
In secrets never nod.
I am the one, abandoned in my fortune,
Aborted from the liveliness`joy and fun.
My day is over,it holds my neck in torture,
It’s nothing left to breathe with—air or sun.
Trees are my friends. They’re kind and calm and cute,
In their company I cure my soul in braces.
I change for bliss my sense of solitude,
As if I am the only one in spaces.
I’ll be the fan of music Halls and Houses band,
I ‘ll stretch myself inside the bookshelves’ powder.
My singing orchestra is fine far beforehand
To squeeze my screaming louder.
I will be wise and sad like Granny- Witch of Mount,
The objects will reveal to me their holy sense.
The Mother Nature joins me in a civil gown
To rediscover Truth of innocence.
When no more tears are left, the Dark will mutely come
With no more meaning kept in sight.
Then my beloved shall resurrect --a lightning bomb,
In a single moment of divine delight!
Под 10.05.2012
Nebyli vienatve
Zvelgiu langan. Gatvele kupina draugu.
Letai iseina ten,is kur negrizta.
Minia vis tesiasi ir tesiasi dangun,
Kur tolumoj zvaigzdynai tebeblyksta.
Lieku viena, ir saule ne sviesi,
Ir diEna ne dienA, ir sau kaip viesnia.
Ir taip keistai issitiesia nesyk
Nuo kumscio suskaudeje riesai.
Miskai ramiai paglosto pakeliui
Sakelem galva (minciai sviesiai!)
Dziaugiuosi—savo paslaptis galiu
Pasaugot palikti ju pavesy.
O vakarai, kino, teatrai , dramos!
Skaityklose rymoju ar foje.
Nera man aukstesnes palaimos,
Nei skesti meno erdveje!
As tapsiu is liudnumo ismintinga,
Kad nenetekciau proto mirtinai,
Visatai busiu as dukra laiminga,
Gyvybes Tiesa as pazinsiu amzinai.
Kaip tik tada,is blankios tamsumos
Ateis draugai, lyg asarom palije.
Manoj sirdy gyvi kaip visados,
Akimirkos ne zingsniu nepavije.
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