A solo performer

I'll do everything myself.
Stay where you are, just watch from afar -
My macabre Shiva dance,
My wild songs of anguish,
And then
Pathetic cries of misery... Ah!
I'll tear my own heart to pieces
And slit my own throat to shreds -
I'll do everything myself,
You just watch me, entertained,
Being a bloody entertaining mess!
And then - oh, and then you leave...
Innocent and light.
Sure, you go ahead, after all,
No one ever _voiced_ it -
No one's invited me for a walk!
For a dance,
To sing a song together... Right?
And all I've ever done
Was by myself only,
By my own wish and hand!
Oh yes, it's all unreal, baby.
A selfish silly freaky fool,
Living a fantasy, deluded, weird,
Right at your marble-snowy ever-clean
Don't-touch-me royal feet...
