It was happen in Berdichev - 1941-1944
Authorstranslate from the Russian "ЭТО БЫЛО В БЕРДИЧЕВЕ - 1941-1944"
( ).
"That, what is, - was and what will happen, - it was too".
Ekkliziast .
"History is written, is not appended, appends and rewrite".
Ilya Ehrenburg ,
( From the openingspeech in 1965 at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
meeting with French pilots, Heroes of the Sovjet Union, who fought
in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi occupiers in the Air Division
" Normandy - Neaman " ).
"People, I have loved you. Be vigilant!"
Julius Fuchik,
"Report with noose around the nek".
The history of mankind, unvortunstely, countless cases of distorion and falsification
of the line in the interpretation of historical events and facts, and soon after their achivements and after long periods of taime after the completionof their.
In 2001 , the first year of the millennium SW an the Summet of Prime Ministers, coming in the Ligue of Arab States the partipicants took the unprecedented decision of the institutions of a special joint multy-million dollar SRI fund to finance, - as stated
in the preamble this "dokument", - works on debunking the legend of the Holocaust in Europe during the Second Worl War and the artificiality of the numbers six million victims of the Holocaust.
P.S. Прошу прочитавших и понявших этот авторизованный МАШИННЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД с русского
"ЭТО БЫЛО В БЕРДИЧЕВЕ - 1941-1944", ( ).
подправить по возможности ОГРЕХИ МАШИННОГО ПЕРЕВОДА.
Заранее благодарен.
P.S. Please all read and anderstand this autorized mashinestranslation from Russian,
to correct for possible flaws of this mashinetranslation "ЭТО БЫЛО В БЕРДИЧЕВЕ -
1941-1944",( ).
Thanks in advance.
Continuation will happen.
Be patient, wait and see!
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