Message of Near Winter

The leaves are turning yellow, red and brown.
The sunny rays are cool like falling rains.
The Empress Autumn wears her golden crown
Above her eyes that look like forest lakes.

The sky is grey and trunks of trees are darker.
The meadows lost their colours of the green .
The country dogs hаuls at the moon and bark as
Though they're afraid of wolfish wailing winds.

And on the banks of rivers cheerless willows
Look at the water that is cold and black.
The fog from creeks crawls up to village windows,
And one may think the sun will not be back.

The rainy clouds predict a stormy weather.
The waves are high and crush the rocky shores.
The message of near winter – angels’ feathers
Will soon be swirling in the air outdoors.

April 17, 2012

=)) Perfect! =))

With a smile.

Анатолий Зайцевский   18.04.2012 00:37     Заявить о нарушении
Muchas gracias, mi amigo Anatolio.

Con sonrisa,

Сергей Соколов   18.04.2012 01:18   Заявить о нарушении
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