I have your heart and you have mine

Баллада о Любви Небесной

I have your heart and you have mine
We were together before the start of time
We didn’t count minutes nor hours or days
An eternity we called our ways

We breathed together, saw things with the same eyes
The flame between us melted the ice
It gave the light to all beings around
We could never imagine a different round

Our staying together had never been hard
Trying to hurt me you aimed your own heart
We were immortal in this flame
We thought that nothing could change this game

Until one time we made a silly bet
With some stranger that we met
He said if he split us we would quickly die
Without our hearts’ flame and it isn’t the lie

We laughed and we said even if we die
We will meet together in the next life
Our hearts will find each other again
The flame will burn off all the pain

‘Cause I have your heart and you have mine
We were together before the start of time
We don’t count any minute nor hour or day
An eternity, it is our way

We breathe together, see things with the same eyes
The flame between us melts the ice
It gives the light to all beings around
We don’t believe in a different round

He said ‘’we shall see’’ and we agreed
He made what he promised we died indeed
Now I look at every stranger looking for my heart
But if there is no flame it is the wrong start

I feel your presence every moment so hard
That I’m almost crying, “Where are you my heart”
I don’t hear a reply ‘cause you are far away
But every day I’m on my way

I tried to find you looking everywhere
Visiting countries, falling in love somewhere
I was disappointed every time
As I feel that I looked for the god on altar

Then I realised the only way to find you
Loving your heart I love you
But your heart is in me and it starts this flame
That’ll put us together in a while again

I’m now immortal as before the time
That’s why to find you I have plenty of time
I’m not in a hurry any more my heart
We will meet I know it, it won’t take a big part

‘Cause I don’t anymore count the minutes or days
The eternity I call my ways
We will breathe together see the things with the same eyes
The flame between us will melt the ice

It will give the light to all beings around
And we will start our next round
Where I have your heart and you have mine
As it was long ago, before the start of time

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