Montserrat Caballe

April  12th - Montserrat Caballe’s birthday.

Montserrat Caballe – a talented bel canto opera singer
Received global recognition, triumph where she lingered.
Singing and acting integrated to express her versatility.
Ms. Caballe is a virtuoso, master in opera’s infinity.

A primadonna with an Italian singing style and her Spanish spirit
Has always been courageous, willed making a transformation, pivot.
Daring to try, take on the challenges she hasn’t in past experiences,
Ms. Caballe is an example of persistence, hard work and resilience.

From Kemeny and Annovazzi she learned a special skill of breath control,
Which helped Caballe progress in field of opera and take a leading role.
Being influenced by great Rossini’s, Donizetti’s and Bellini’s music,
She mastered to execute, deliver the sound that is soft and soothing.

The voice range, altitude of Montserrat is out of limit and incomparable.
Her timbre's sweet, beautiful making contribution priceless or invaluable.
Extensive training, gifted voice, sound production enriched with intimacy
Exhibited in Caballe's pioneering performance style and opera’s literacy.

Caballe’s soprano voice with gentleness, agility and pianissimo
Has instantly and over time earned her bis, bravo and bravissimo.
Her singing has been always filled with flavor and emotionality.
Ms. Montserrat exudes and shares enthusiasm and originality.

Ms. Caballe’s life is a path she walks with decency, integrity and grace.
Despite the challenges, crises in life, she’s never lost her hope and faith.
We deeply appreciate her talent, vigor, spirit and the whole persona.
Montserrat truly deserves praise, recognition and her title “Primadonna.”

Today is April 12, a special day – Ms. Montserrat Caballe’s birthday,
Which in the year of 2012 has happened to have fallen on Thursday.
We wish you, Ms. Caballe, much happiness, health, joy and harmony
Within repertoire of life – mind, spirit, soul and heart philharmony!

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
  Фото из Интернета
