I am not your


  Do you think that I'm strong?
  No. It's not true.
  Dо you  think  that I'm cute?
  Belive me, it's lie  too.      

  And you could hear the heart cries,
  when I console  of you?
  And within all the tries
  To show that I am strong too.
  Do not hold back my tears,   
  Pretended that  did not see. 
  My hands on the efforts of all brittle
  I could not  keep  a dreams.

  Tear force of  mine will.   
  The fact that we contact you-
  No. I said : "No more pain...
  Get out...  I am not your. "

I liked it. But, maybe "yours"?
With respect,

Олег Артынов   06.04.2012 22:02     Заявить о нарушении
Now we're equal(=

Олег Артынов   06.04.2012 23:02   Заявить о нарушении
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