Ты танцевала

Ты выплывала из тумана
И расцветали за плечами
В дрожаньях женственного стана
Фиалки – бархатной Печали...

И выгибаясь в страстной неге
Пленяя Грацией своей
Ты – танцевала
В белом снеге
Кипящих, рамповых огней....

И в переливах  настроенья
Со сцены щедрых берегов
Бросала жесты обольщения
Ты,- Дива  трепетных ветров...

You floated out of the mist
And over your shoulders, in
Trepidation of a feminine body
The violets of velvet sadness

And arching in passionate bliss,
Your captivating grace
You were dancing
In the white snow
Of the blazing stage lights

And in the flow of changing moods,
From the generous space of the stage
You were throwing seductive gestures
You-Diva of the trembling winds...

Translated by: Beverley-Ann

You, - floated out of the mist…
And flourishing behind a shoulders,
Into the trembling of Your Grace -
The Violet’s – Smooth -Velvet Sadness…

And arching in passionate bliss,
And captivating with the gust …
You – slowly dance in snow-white light,
Seething by passion of the ramps....

And into play of sentiments,
From scene of generous shores…
Enchanting by seduction’s gestures,
You, - Diva of the blissful storms...

Translated by: Estella Dadasieva--Minas
