Irregular Verbs

The people come, the word arose.
The God awoke and say: 'I was,
I am, I will. I people bore.
I did mistake and very more:
They beat my world and think that they
Became the kings and may to play!
And after I became to say:
'You just a people! You not may!'
But they not heard at no time.
They don't remember: God is I!
They bent my trees, they bit the Earth,
And it now bleed and break because.
They blew my clouds in the sky.
But some of men bred by and by
The forest new, they brought a green.
They built a churches and building still.
One day big rain burst on the Earth,
It caught the men. They died of course.
I saved one man and saved with him
The many animals to live.
He chose right way, he came to me.
Enough he should to me believe.
The people's life cost very many.
I gave it you. You should it spare.
For you I drew this perfect world.
So save it, please, my friend', - say God.
