Пасхальный Ангел

И Шестикрылый Серафим -
Словно, - вторил
Над колокольнями
И с Неба
Истины глаголил...

Нёс – лучезарное знаменье
Он – Сущий Дух
Дали безбрежной
Своею верой во спасенье
И благодатью белоснежной...

И раскрывая Неба Гущи
Он, - в искупление грехов
Пасхальный Ангел
Рвал позолоту с куполов...

The six –winged seraphim
Floating above the bell towers
Proclaiming prayers
And truths from heaven

And bearing a radiant sign
He- heavenly spirit of the endless sky
With his faith and salvation
And pure white grace

The depth of the blue sky revealed
He, - in redemption of all sins …
The crying Pascal Angle
Tears gold leafs from the domes

Translated by: Beverley-Ann

And there, Six-Winged Seraphim -
To Vernal prayers as though, - echoed
Above the bell towers He slid...
And from the Heavens, Truth was sending…

He bears – a radiant sign,
He – Spirit of the Boundless Far….
By Sacred Faith in the Salvation,
And by the grace of pure white….

And once revealing Blue Sky’s grounds,
He, - in redemption of all sins…
Raging and glaring,- Paschal Angel,
Was tearing gold leafs from the domes....

Translated by: Estella Dadasieva-Minas
