I am broken

I am broken
I am bruised
I am ruins
I have been used

So tell me now this desirable trait
Of running circles around your weight
How shallow now I feel towards you
And all alone I plan a new

What glory comes from falling hard
What tends to shame from all you judge
Within the pit my face I smudge
Then light that hits opens up a bombard
Alone I sit now in my room
Dreary of the worlds soon dooms
I pray to God my soul to keep
And steer me straight to stay on my feet
What comes to mind in this broken world
That claws my flesh from my pitless wounds
How can I change the harm I see
The burns me deep knowing I aint free
These chains that lock me with my sin
It grabs me, pulls me toward my defeat
But will it last or will I plead
Lord at night I ask you to speak  …….(singing)

I am broken
I am bruised
I am ruins
I have been used
