Lord Metatron
In search of the highest wisdom in the Universe
By the sound of the cosmic flute...
Studying at the University of Planet Earth...
We are the unique masterpiece of the master,
Interweave the incarnation of perfection
In the splendor of the divine tapestry...
We are a wonderful spark of divinity,
The shaman dancing in the fire ...
The spirit of passing a human experience...
We are the expansion of Alpha and Omega...
The Messenger of Crystal Light
Laughing in love... We use the moment...
We travel exploring what's inside
And beyond us...
We are Elohim, Mother Nature,
The invincible Law of One!
In the twinkling of a cosmic eye...
After all, the true power within the
Grace of Love, the Source of All!
Princess Tatiana Romanova
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