You call me gorgeous

You call me gorgeous
But it's not just
       The very way i feel.
I get lost in it,
So exhausted.
       Can you see what's real?

It is Monday.
I do wonder
       If the week's begun.
I am under
Heavy thunder,
       I can't help but run.

I can't guess me,
But arrested
       By your smiling eyes.
You suggest me
Have a rest here
       And to watch sunrise.

I am thankful
But I can't do
       All the things you might.
Break all the rules,
It's unnatural
       But it's our life.
Are you happy
To be with me
       In this love and strife?

You are gorgeous
Even better...
I think you're divine

Олег Артынов   11.03.2012 05:13     Заявить о нарушении