A Girl and A Cat. 1st ball of wool

Once upon a time, a long time ago - although may be not such a long time ago- there lived a little girl. Well, maybe not that little as she was already five years old. Her name was... Erm, it depends, Her mum called her Lelya, her dad called her Sweetie and  My awesome beautiful girl, her friend Vovka called her Lolly-Polly and the woman next door formally addressed her as Helen.

She lived in a nice big house with big white windows. You could not miss this house on Cherry Street behind the bridge right beside the bakery. The smell of freshly made bread would fill the air along the street every morning. Every Saturday the bakery would tempt the neighbours  with the aroma of delicious almond and vanilla cakes.

 Lelya could not complain about her life at all. She had a marvelous pink dress, a fancy lilac one, and even a polka-dot one on top of that. She was a proud owner of a beautiful doll named Helen as well. Mummy and daddy loved her very much and would kiss her cheeks, nose and even ears all the time. The only thing she longed for was a cat. Even the tiniest little kitten would do. 
