The falling of the hearts,
So, I can feel
The shining of the moon.
So, I remember
The birth of new light star.
So, I can fly
In soul, deep, like BaicAl...
I see the crystal light
That's coming from the moon
Through water. Perfect sight!
But wish is diying soon...
And now I can feel hearts
Which're falling from the moon.
Word "love" here sounds like barks...
I'm sitting... white-white room...
Свидетельство о публикации №112022511861
Use read-writable american wordformes, so more, so much louder.
Must be cool. Mean make so drive, so alivery, etc.
Am I so misfit? :)))
Волобуев 29.02.2012 04:34 Заявить о нарушении
And I think that you have a really interesting works too)
Алексия Летто 29.02.2012 22:50 Заявить о нарушении
Волобуев 29.02.2012 22:59 Заявить о нарушении