Keep going, going in the woods...

Keep going, going in the woods.
The Sun - my flashlight, and the roots
Of evil wouldn't smash my dreams.
I'm longing for the sun, its beams.
My path is straight,
But in my mind
I want to wait,
To switch on light.
My mind is fight.
My light is right.
Right here, holding by my arm.
It's only woods.
It meant no harm.
The Sun is warm.
The Light is light.
I'm going home.
I'll be alright.
Just keep on going in the woods,
Step over evil, mists and roots.
I didn't even see my boots...
The Love is light.
My Heart is hard.
I'm lucky. Didn't see the mud.


Good thoughts! Like it very much :)
good luck!

Мэри-Мэри   15.02.2012 16:22     Заявить о нарушении