
I’m so offended that you’ve made me wait for you
And all the day I have been crying and crying.
You don’t have time because of things to do
And you’re alright when I can’t say “I’m fine”.

I took my jewelries off and put them all aside
And changed the dress and wear my dress for home.
I ask myself “don’t cry!” but it’s so raining outside
And drops ask me to let my crying flow.

I see the table that’s set for both of us
The golden plate is empty like a pain
I won’t touch any glass of vine though time is slow to pass
I want to suffer from my most unhappy day.

Who knows maybe you didn’t want to hurt
Just circumstances are so bad this time.
Maybe I don’t deserve to get award
Because my thoughts of us are real crime.

The real life is bitter but my dreams
Are sweet and I repeat them in my mind.
Your image makes me floating like a stream
And gives me love that makes my fire bright.
