One single letter left to write... 11. 03. 10

One single letter left to write
And one more dove will fly away,
One single letter - cloud in summer sky,
A rainstorm breaking sunny day!

No answer, any message coming back!
No words, no smiles, any frail shelter..
'Cause nothing else can make me feel a little better,
Then shorter sentence writen by your hand!!!

I feel like scared of what you do?
Of stupid game you've made me play!
It has no end, but playing I have to
Release my heart from your jail!

No mercy, every level like a start!
No exit, opened window, any fading salvage..
That can me cure from this diabolic heritage
Of loving you, in such a crazy way!!!

But I am sure that I will win,
I know the reason of my fail!
There is a trap - one little sneaky pin,
That blocks your heart's incoming mail!

It's not an anger, neither fears, nor pain!
And also it is not a torpor,
So I will come to you through hidden gates of sober
You'll open heart and we will fall in love!!!
