Spiritual Teleport

2012 (extension 05)

Healing Light expands
All space wishing to hold,
Versatility of Soul is manifested
Allowing except it with  love.

Transfiguration here - is inevitable.
In the vibrations of the cosmos - Vortex,
Embrace lovingly, tenderly,
In thinnest The Pattern of them.

And awakening in desired by the radiance,
In the clear Light, which  long forgotten;
To be providing  on the Feast of The Titles,
Reborn in the Rays of the One!

To Sacrament the Source of Light
Power fed to the bottom,
And fulfilling with The Mystery of The Secret,
Which in oblivion was until now.

Ring of Power of The Eternal Light,
And essence of Souls  Wising Escort,
Opening essence of Milky Way,
And access - in Rising Teleporte.

(To be continued ...)

( Translation of meaning  from Russian language,
original poetry text http://stihi.ru/2012/01/19/9540,
by author )

