Think or Perceive?

Outward senses are subjective and inferior, based on our, own perceptions, social upbringing, and other external factors.
That is what was referred as Maya or the world of illusion.
However, there is a reality; for, the world and we exist.
One begins to perceive reality when shifts from the subjective perception and thinking controlled by our senses and intellect-mind into the direct perception or contemplation of the world knowledge or reality through the Intuition.
Where is the center of intuition?
I believe that it is in the Solar plexus.
As paradoxically, as it may sound but humans posses two brains.
The 1st is at the solar plexus, the 2nd inside the scull.
Both are inversely related and structured, meaning that (and science proved that already) the solar plexus consists of grey matter inside and white outside, while the brain, reversely – of white inside and grey outside.
The grey matter allows thinking and white - perception or receiving. Thinking can be outward, receiving - from outside, from the Source to the inside.
When we contemplate or practice different forms of meditation or even breathing, something in us separates ourselves from the overactive mind (quiets it down,) allowing perception of the Cosmic Breathing or reality.
We do not think, then, we perceive wordlessly, simply, opening ourselves to the field, being bathed in aura of reality.
Thinking, on the other hand, is confusing, based on many fallacies and emotional factors, blocking us from reality.
Thinking is needed of course and serves its purpose. We need to analyze, operate data, which, by the way, modern computers do better than us and with less errors; for, emotions are not involved there.
Yet, contemplation is not an analysis and dissection. It is not even a synthesis. It is beyond and above that. It is perceiving reality whole, without involving mind and emotions – simply, observing that, which we open ourselves to.
Whatever range we open up, that range we are able to perceive from Cosmos.
Information fields always permeate Cosmos everywhere.
There is no vacuum. All the spectrum, rays, emissions from sound to light and in-between, alpha, beta, gamma, x-rays, etc, everything that physics begin to uncover permeate space and time. All that is information and energy, one being the other.
All we need to do is to open up to that and keep receiving instead of blocking ourselves from those transmissions by switching into mediocre contortions of a mind.
The Solar plexus, and we are coming back to that discussion is the amazing center bestowed upon us by Cosmic Intelligence, which allows to perceive those Cosmic fields and transmissions.
As the sum is at the center of our, solar system so is the Solar plexus at the center of our being.
Rhythmic breathing and contemplation allow the Solar plexus to get into the Rhythm with the Cosmic Rhythm, both being intoned to each other.
And, then, another paradox occurs. Both centers begin affecting each other: reality – us, and we – reality.
(written in one breath, after waking up, after listening to my first audio mix created by mixing Ayu-Icaros, sounds of Tibetan bowls and bells,  Vedic mantras, and invocations of Deities.
The answers would come at night how to re-create the sounds and energies, which put mind and, yes, the Solar plexus in the state of harmony and harmonious perception of reality and knowledge out there. A day would come when would find the way how to re-create sounds, expanding our consciousness; for, sound is the foundation and the light its crown.
The ancient wisdom captured that revelation, whereas all religions and philosophies shared; first, there was a Word; and the Word was God..) 


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