Крестики-нолики - пер. М. Матусовского

Tick-tack-toe game
by Michail Matusovsky

Boy from our street with girl
Played all day for long:
He was drawing with a chalk
The criss-cross on road.
There went the summer day
In the south town.
The tick-tack-toe play -
That's the child's game.

And the smoke of the ships
Disappeared once.
Girl had grown up, indeed,
And the boy - grew up.
He is wandering all night
In the street till day.
The tick-tack-toe play -
Is the childish game.

Here is the story whole-
Nothing you can stand.
Does the girl wait for the boy
On the childhood end?
There the wind drives once again
The ship in sea to sail.
The tick-tack-toe play -
Is the childish game.

And again on streets along,
Steep and narrow,
There is walking other boy
With another girl.
They see on the road then
The drawing, half-effaced.
The tick-tack-toe play -
Is the child's game.
