The World
A Poem-Experience
Her spirit saw the world as living God...
Sri Aurobindo. Savitri, p. 556
In the soul’s eyes all-seeing
Overtly reveals the world
God in every face and being,
God in Matter — worldwide God!
Oh, how, how to share with you
This living grace, so keen, so true,
When the world-whole around, seen rife,
All suddenly becomes alive —
And all just speaks to you its life,
And all just streams to you its love,
When everywhere, in everything
A Godhead draws to you his being —
And in the worldwide freedom-space
As a sweet child in Love’s embrace
You soar and swim, you dare and dream
And play and pray — adrift in him —
Becoming wide with no gyve,
You live, so free, you laugh, you love
And sing and dance and flow and roll,
Not bound by anything at all —
You love the vast and love the flight
And love the Soul’s spread so wide,
The fields and meadows and their broods,
You love the towns and the woods,
The sky’s blue dome, the sun’s bright eye,
The rivers’ lisp and the birds’ cry,
The moon and stars, the fight and peace —
In Love with the wide world of bliss —
Your self embracing all of it,
So living, so kindred — and infinite —
In love with all his love’s sweet gifts,
With th’marvel-laughter of his wits,
With Godhead’s lively caress fine
That whispers tender words divine
From everywhere, in all you’ve met…
In love with all you know not yet…
In love with the Love’s substance-flame
That animates the worldwide game,
Inhabits all and carries all
And chants its timeless hymn the whole —
The hymn of the one Soul-World,
Its hymn of the all-march to God,
Of his all-birth from clay so slow —
Its hymn the mystery of Love —
The mystery that made the world
And in the world embodied God…
O World, you’re God… you’re He… you’re I…
And all’s the Soul — Yours and mine…
And all’s the Soul, and all the whole
In You draws breath, seeks You the goal…
All’s You, One Self and Flesh of all —
For all’s One Life, One Love, One Soul…
Yes, all’s One Love, One Godhead-Soul! —
All is One Life, One Love, One Soul!
All is One Love, One Godhead-Soul! —
The whole world is God alive,
And all’s His Mystery of Love…
The whole world is living God,
And I’m in His worldwide abode…
The whole world is one God-Space,
And I am in His vast embrace…
The universe is one Love-Space,
And we are all in Her embrace! —
O World, our Ma! O Ma, our World!
All’s one World-Soul! All’s one World-God!
O Ma the World! O World the Ma!
All’s Your one Soul! All’s You, All-Ma!
O Ma!
All’s one All-Ma!
All’s one Atma!
All’s MA
Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Delhi Branch
Translated by me from my own poem originally written in Russian in April 2011
The Russian version of this poem is here,
* * *
From the cycle "Songs of the Soul of the Universe"
My other poems in English,
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