Корабли постоят... - перевод В. Высоцкого

Ships are staying awhile, and then set their courses...
But they always return through bad weather and storm.
Half a year will pass - and I shall return also -
For a while, to leave you for half-year or long.

All return, always, yes - besides our best friends,
Besides our most lovely and faithful women.
All return - besides those, who we mostly need really...
I believe not in fate, and the lesser in me.

But I wish to believe, that this not ever so,
That to burn our ships will go out of mode.
I'll, for curtain, return - all in friends and affairs -
I, for certain, shall sing - in half a year or longer.

I'll, for certain, return - all in friends and in dreams, though,
I, for certain, shall sing - in half a year or longer.
