Беатрис - Beatrice
При Беатрис состояла подруга Софи, небезопасная; работала она у кутюрье Аззедина Алайя. Родом южанка, Софи на защиту "Би" вскидывалась, ведерко с шампанским рвясь нахлобучить на голову подругина ругателя. Носили они практически одно; пахли одним - ванильно-вкусным; золотые ободья вдевали в мочки ушей под плотные, вороной масти волосы; в туго застегнутые жакетики паковали оба роскошных бюста. Явленье подруг означало: окружающие огребут; их окрестил я "французским Сопротивлением".
Би обнаружил мой - наш с ней совместный - агент Доминик, подыскивая актрису для "Бетти Блю". Би жила с мужем - боксером, красавцем, Джеффом; роль дамы дома влекла ее. Обожательнице околомужних хлопот иное кино показалось ни к чему - экранные зовы Би отвергла. Доминик звонил, зовя на пробу - она бросала трубку. Третья, четвертая неудача - и киношники, заинтригованные вконец, выслали к ней автомобиль с запиской: умоляем. В автомобиль она села - и покатила по магазинам, по пути домой таки посетив и пробу. Жан-Жак Бене, режиссер, нанял ее немедленно.
Так, не мечтая о кинокарьере, ко времени каннской нашей встречи была Беатрис не то что звездой, а воплощеньем французских восьмидесятых. Франция в восемьдесят шестом всё искала себя - в век двадцать первый не шлось, не моглось, не хотелось. Бетти Блю - Беатрис, огню предающая домик - милый, дощатый, приморский, - дала грозный образ эпохи: безумица-поджогоманка старый уклад пепелит под скорбные саксофоновые подвывы (саундтрэк столетия создан Габриэлем Яредом).
"Миленький, это жуть - спалить такой домик - тут и ушел я из зала", - ответил Филип Праус, о ней услыхав от меня. Но что бы Филип ни думал, "Бетти Блю" дебютировала легендарно. Беатрис в небе вспыхнула метеором, прочие звезды затмив. И дела ей не было до норм и правил, коих в изысканном франкокиношном мире немерено. Образования - никакого; исключительный ум, опасная прямота. Слава ее, набрав силу, сразила мужа: боксер света не взвидел из-за внимания, в фокус какого жена попала. Крутить кино назад было поздно: семейная жизнь надломилась. В этой-то тонкой точке мы и встретились.
Как-то уже после Канн, парижским утром, зашла она повидать меня в "Ланкастер". В сумке порывшись, вытащила распятие - литое, громадное, всё в цветах, кованых. "Красотища, Би, - ахнул я. - Где ты это взяла?"
"Нашла - мы нашли, я и Софи - рядом с домом моим. На кладбище. У младенца на могилке".
"Ну спасибо", - сглотнул я. (Годы спустя, убоясь крестом приносимых бед, взял я Софи, воротился на то кладбище, и вместе нашли мы могилку. Младенческий ангелок у надгробия протягивал опустевшие ручки. Крест в них встал, как влитой. Жуть.)
Беатрис чаровали скелеты, склепы, смерть. В монмартрской квартире поверх пяти лестничных пролетов, с видом на крыши Парижа в огромном окне, над кроватью висел у нее священничий череп.
"Где ты его раздобыла?" - нервно спросил я.
"Нашла," - ответ был явно непрям.
Зато лучшей девушки - милой - подружки парню и не сыскать - всех и хотений у Беатрис, что сворачивать тебе со травкою самокруточки, либо вскарабкаться на тебя да посиживать по-птичьи, словно с дерева послеживать за ходом дня, кушать крем-карамели, в постели полеживать, в телевизор глядя. Время стояло: всё внешнее отслаивалось, терялось; мир вокруг размывался в диковинное пятно. Помню, лежал я в ванне ланкастерского апартамента, рядом на раковину налегла она и курила, темных очков не сняв. Откинула голову - дым вызмеился изо рта, - и подумал я, не в черную ли магию внесен.
Порвав с мужем, покинула она дом - и в "Ланкастере" жить не желала, так что на время въехали мы в квартиру подруги нашей Наташи, на площади Вогез. Наташа держала модный монпарнасский ресторан в Рембо-и-Верленовом доме. А поутру - как-то поутру - конверт скользнул под входную дверь. Шаги отдалились по лестнице и на улице, по двору - Беатрис в постели так и застыла. Встала. Письмо взяла, мужем писанное. Читая, сползла помалу на пол: киношно; мне в то кино не хотелось. Таясь под одеялом, я наблюдал. Письмо было бесконечным. Прочтя, руками подперла она голову. Меня изучающе оглядела. Я изобразил сон.
Тогда достала она зажигалку и подожгла письмо - как раз посреди ковра. Пламя взвилось - но Би в руках держала пышущее послание пожарнически-хладнокровно, во жгучие слова уставясь - огнем пожираемые, по воздуху пеплом летящие. Пламенные листы - всю пачку - швырнула она в корзину. Казалось, дальнейшее не под силу даже ей: на цыпочках вытопотала она из комнаты. Я всё лежал и ждал: стука входной двери и шагов - по лестнице, вдаль. Корзина потрескивала зловеще. Я почти вскочил - тут она воротилась с бутылью минералки Перрье и содержимое спокойно слила в трещащий ад. Взмахами рук разогнав дым, легла в постель, но черное облачко, невысокое, зависло, да и осталось. Джеффову жгучесть так запросто не сожжешь.
Я думал, будто живу в цветном кино про любовь - на деле чуть не сорвался я в чужой триллер. И вряд ли знала тогда Беатрис, что вне трагики для нее житья нет. Зато уж во трагике жила сполна. В буре, в рёве стихий было любо Беатрис. Не мне.
За ужином, вальдизерским, пару ночей спустя поведал я Ли-чи полнейше-последнейше-подробнейше о лютом любовном моем треугольнике. Ли-чи сама была не своя с тех пор, как сошлись мы с Беатрис. Обиделась крепко, виду не подав. За ужином отмалчивалась, равнодушная. Любить меня, может, и не любила, а собственностью своей числила. Повесть мою сдабривала охами да пхыхами, изрядно меня бесившими.
"А муж-то грозится теперь с собой покончить!"
"Да ну", - скука смаривала Ли-чи. Придавив сигарету, фыкнула дымом из ноздрей и растерянно глянула на меня. Хотелось дернуть ее за волосы. "Сам видишь", - сказала.
"Что вижу-то?"
"Куда тебе - где уж - невподым". Она была права.
"На той неделе в Сан-Тропе собираюсь".
"А Беатрис?"
"А Беатрис соберется потом".
Фырк. "О-ля-ля!" Теперь она смеялась.
"Да что смешного?"
"А Фрэнку с Томасом что говорить будешь?"
"Не о чем тут говорить", - запальчиво сказал я.
Ли-чи веселела. "Дружочек! Да ты переменился. Страшно, аж жуть."
Эта фраза хранилась в ее загашнике. И означала, что страшности пройдены и можно от пуза их обсмеивать. Ли-чи, на свою беду, всерьез и надолго серьёзнеть не могла.
это глава из книги:
Руперт Эверетт. Красные ковры и прочая банановая кожура
На фото: Беатрис Далль.
Фильм "Бетти Блю" - тут:
другие главы:
This was also the year of my final heterosexual love tryst. At the Cannes Film Festival, I met Beatrice Dalle and we immediately became inseparable. We were totally unsuited to one another, quite aside from the fact that I was gay, but incompatibility is the agonising driving force behind many dangerous liaisons. We were two strange boats colliding in the night and, mesmerised, we held onto each other as the current gently but firmly moved us along. She was a wild, unpredictable beauty, tinged with the sparkle of madness; the latest in a long tradition of French sirens. Although she was quite scornful about her country, she was as French as Joan of Arc - the suicide bomber version. Her kind of beauty was definitely pre-Botox, much deeper than the cash-and-carry bargains of today. Its origins were the gaslit barmaids of Manet, and the Parisian demi-monde between the wars. She was jolie laide - pretty and ugly. If you pulled back her hair, her head was the shape of a woodland elf's. Her mouth was large and she outlined it with a brown pencil. She had a gap between her teeth and a mole on her cheek; her brown eyes held yours with a warmth and a purity in their regard that destabilised everyone she looked at. (Unless you happened to be Franco Zeffirelli. "She looks like a gargoyle," he said one day when we went to lunch at his house outside Rome.) Her body was as full and ripe as a delicious peach. She was in many ways the negative image of Madonna, the black virgin of France.
Beatrice had a dangerous sidekick, Sophie, who worked for the couturier Azzedine Alaia. Sophie was from the South and quite wild in her protection of her friend, ready to tip a full champagne bucket over the head of anyone who insulted "Bea." Both girls dressed identically and smelt deliciously of vanilla. They wore large gold hoops in their ears under their thick jet-black hair and buttoned tight little cardigans around their voluptuous breasts. There was always trouble when they were around; I called them "the French Resistance."
Bea was discovered by our mutual agent, Dominique, when he was looking for someone to star in the film Betty Blue. She was married to a beautiful boxer called Jeff at the time and was immersed in her role as a femme au foyer, or housewife. That was quite a performance already; she loved to look after her man and initially resisted the call to the silver screen. When Dominique phoned to ask her to come and audition, she hung up. After three or four abortive attempts to contact her, the movie people were so intrigued that a car was sent round to her apartment with a begging letter. She got in and went shopping, but passed by the audition on her way home. The director, Jean-Jacques Beineix, hired her immediately.
Although Beatrice had never set out to be an actress, by the time I met her she was not just a star but France's image for the eighties. It was 1986 and the country was floundering in a crisis of identity, unable and unwilling to move towards the twenty-first century. During one scene in Betty Blue, Beatrice burnt down a pretty wooden beach house, and that was the startling image of the times: a deranged pyromaniac burning down tradition, accompanied by a wailing nostalgic saxophone. (Gabriel Yared wrote one of the scores of the century.)
"My dear, too ghastly - after she burnt down that lovely beach hut, I left the cinema," said Philip Prowse, when I told him about her. But whatever Philip thought, Betty Blue was a legendary debut. Beatrice shot like a meteor into the firmament and outshone all the other stars. She didn't have the faintest interest in rules and regulations, of which there were many in the genteel world of French cinema. She was not remotely educated, but was extremely clever and dangerously forthright; as her fame gathered momentum, it ran away with her marriage. The boxer was wildly jealous of the attention she got. But it was too late to turn back the clock and pretty soon the couple were on the rocks. At this delicate point we met.
Back in Paris, she came to see me one morning at the Lancaster. She rummaged about in her bag and extracted a large metal crucifix covered with sculpted flowers. "Oh, how lovely, Bea," I exclaimed. "Where did you get this?"
"I found it with Sophie in the cemetery near my house. It was on a baby's tomb."
"Thanks," I gulped. (Years later, worrying that the cross was giving us bad luck, I went with Sophie back to the cemetery and we found the grave. A little putto was sitting at the feet of the headstone, with its empty arms outstretched. The cross slid into its hands. It was quite uncanny.)
But Beatrice was always fascinated by bones and graves and death. At her studio in Montmartre, at the top of five flights of stairs with one of those huge windows overlooking the rooftops of Paris, she kept the skull of a priest over her bed.
"Where did you get that?" I asked nervously.
"I found it," she replied obliquely.
She was a brilliant girlfriend because all she wanted to do was roll you little joints, or sit around perched on you like a bird on a branch, watching the day pass by, eating creme caramels, or lying in bed watching TV. Time stood still; everything else dropped away, and the world outside became a weird blur. I remember once lying in the bath at the hotel, and she was leaning against the sink, smoking, in a pair of dark glasses. She threw her head back and smoke snaked out of her mouth and I wondered whether I was part of some black magic spell.
She didn't want to stay at home after the split-up with her husband, but she didn't want to stay at the Lancaster either, so we briefly moved into the apartment of a mutual friend, Natacha, in the Place des Vosges. Natacha owned a fashionable restaurant in Montparnasse in the building where Verlaine and Rimbaud had lived. One morning an envelope slipped under the front door. Footsteps receded down the staircase and out into the courtyard while Beatrice lay rigid in the bed. She got up. The letter was from her husband. As she read it she collapsed slowly to the floor. This was a movie I wasn't sure I really wanted to be in. I watched her from under the covers. The letter was endless. After she finished it she put her head in her hands. She looked over at me. I pretended to sleep.
Then she got a lighter and set fire to it right there in the middle of the carpet. The flames leapt up, but Bea held the burning missive in her hands with the sang-froid of a pompier, entranced as the words that hurt her were consumed and floated into the air. She threw the whole burning pile into the waste-paper basket. It seemed to be getting a little bit out of control even for her, and she tiptoed out of the room. I lay there, fully prepared to hear the front door slam and more receding footsteps. The waste-paper basket crackled ominously. Just as I was about to jump out of bed, she came back with a bottle of Perrier and calmly emptied the contents into the inferno. She waved the smoke away and got back into bed, but a low black cloud settled above us. Jeff's hurt could not be burnt that easily.
I had imagined myself at the centre of a beautiful Technicolor romance but actually I was hanging onto the edge of someone else's film noir. I don't think Beatrice knew it then, but she felt alive when there was drama. She loved it when the elements howled around her. I did not.
At dinner a few nights later with Lychee in the Val d'Isere, I told her all the latest details of my terrible love triangle. She had not been the same since I had been going out with Bea. She was thoroughly put out, although she pretended not to be. At dinner she was tight-lipped and uninterested. She may not have fancied me, but she certainly considered me her property. She punctuated my tale with irritating little sighs and puffs.
"And now her husband says he's going to kill himself!"
"Ah bon" said Lychee, deeply bored. She stubbed out her cigarette, smoke snorting from her nose, and looked at me distractedly. I wanted to pull her hair. "Tu vois" she said.
"I see what?"
"You are completely out of your depth." She had a point.
"I'm going to St. Tropez next week."
"What about Beatrice?"
"She's going to come."
Another snort from Lychee. "Oh la la!" Now she began to laugh.
"Why are you laughing?"
"How are you going to explain Frank and Thomas?"
"There's nothing to explain," I replied testily.
Lychee was cheering up. "Honey. You change a lot. I'm scared."
This was one of her stock phrases. It meant we were out of the woods and she could now have a good laugh about the whole thing. Lychee's tragedy was that she could never be serious for very long.
• Extracted from Red Carpets And Other Banana Skins by Rupert Everett, published by Little Brown on September 21 at L 18.99. © 2006, Rupert Everett.
Warner Books, NY, Boston, 2007
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