A midnight call

The telephone's ringing loudly.
It work me up in the middle of night.
I heard the voice of somebody
So tender it was, so light.

Through the distance of years it was coming.
Through the night, through the time, through the life.
The voice which was so charming
That was my support in the strife.

How fastly my heart was beating.
How happy I was at that time.
I remember the day of the meeting
And the time when you whispered good-bye.

But i had no courage to answer.
No words I could find to begin.
And all of a sudden – the silence.
Like someone has broken the sting.

The silence was shouting loudly.
The word  which I wanted to say.
The minutes were passing slowly
Fortelling the lonely day.

Ну, во-первых, это - песенка. Во-вторых, не соблюдая размера попытайтесь написать нерифмованный поэтически аутентичный текст (помните принципиальную полисемность любого языка). А в-третьих, работайте дальше, полилингвальность - путь к успеху.

Владимир Емельяненко   19.12.2011 21:58     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, тёзка.

Владимир Левченко 2   20.12.2011 23:32   Заявить о нарушении