A war inside

Be my mirror, my sword and shield... /”Viva la vida”, Coldplay/

You never seem to need someone to guide you
but you are kinda blind, my stranger; you can’t see
that I’ve become your mirror since I loved you;
I’m nothing more than your reflection in the sea.

I have become your sword, well, just a measure
to reach a real goal that’s far away from here,
to get a name and fame, to find a treasure,
to dream, to hope and never think of what is near.

Somehow I’ve come to be your heavy armour;
and everything that’s gonna hurt you goes away.
You lead your happy life unlike a drama
believing firmly things are good in every way.

I used to love you deeply, dear fighter,
but now I’m going to have my own path
to do away with swords and shields, to make it brighter,
to give you freedom and to leave you in the past.

ЕЕЕЕ! Читаешь и чувствуешь что реально на английском а не на русском написанымм английскими словами))) круто

Юлиан Дель Кампо   05.07.2014 08:28     Заявить о нарушении
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