The space of your eyes is stellar

The space of your eyes is stellar
There, as in the soul's mirrors 
Reflects the cherished desires and dreams...
There's the imprints of cosmic comets,
The fascinating parade of planets
And there's the inspiration derives poets...
There's the bleeding of tragic love
And there's the fabulous star's fall
There's the glow of heavenly lamps
And the fate's unforgettable stamps,
There's the Milky Way's mysterious mist
And the birth of new galaxies,
There's the great temple of universal forces
And the spiritual light's shining breathe,
There's the pain and sadness of faded years,
The unconditional love and innocence,
The laughter and abyss of happiness 
There's a storm of tears and whirlwind of victories,
The source of wisdom and life's essence
And to the question there is an enigmatic answer...
