Раскинулось море широко... - перевод

The sea stretches out so widely,
And waves are wild raging in storm.
We, comrade,are sailing and far away now,
Away from the earth,the native shore.

"I hardly can stay on the watch at this day!"-
Said one stoker for the other. -
"The fires'll burn down in one moment,
And steam from the boiler go out.

Today's no wind, no wish to work hard,
The water is hot,it's so stuffy.
The temperature has raised up to 45,
The air seems went out now."

At end of the throwing coil he drank
The water distilled, put not pure,
He was all in sweat, soot has covered his head,
When he heard the speech of the bosun:

"If you didn't finish your watch to this time,
You mustn't give up, for mechanic
Is now so angry. If you ill or tired,
The doctor will cure you fast now!"

On deck he has come... and without the mind...
The eyes turned dim... lightning before him...
He fell down on deck... in this moment heart
In his breast has stopped its pulse beating...

With comrade in morning for last farewell
The sailors and stokers-brothers
Had come with the last gift in their hands -
The fire grate old, burned and rusty.

This fire grate they tied to his bold feet,
With white sheet had wrapped up his body...
The old ship priest had survice for him,
And tears in eyes flashed for moment...

The ocean was still and so quiet this time,
As mirror the water was sparkling.
The bosses and captain together had sung
The pray "For the memory lasting..."

And vainly his mother will wait for him long...
They will say - she will burst in tears...
And waves after screw run so fast from the stern,
And there, afar, disappear...



В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →