Deal with God

When sun rises I find myself smiling,
When it sets - I get a whiff.
Cause all the time I have a flying
And sparkling thought in head - "what if".
And if I only could make a deal with God,
I would never ever feel so odd.

If I only were a someone's angel,
I would save his feelings everytime.
Cause I know: feelings are fragile.
Once you fall...It's hard to climb.

If I were a lucky traveller,
I would see how mountains shine.
I would hear how sings the world,
And I'd know: this world is mine.

If I were a summer rain,
I would swim in summer seas.
I would make an endless chain.
Endless chain of love and peace.

If I had a real crystal ball,
I would see my future now.
I would know if it is worth it all:
You and me... What, when and how?

If I only could once read your thoughts,
I would know how to behave.
Maybe I'd become so brave!
I would know what do you crave.

Now I've realised that all my "if"
Are my biggest wishes and desires.
It's like I'm standing on the cliff
With a dream of impossible flying.

Cause it never can become real.
All the memories will fade away.
Deal with God? Oh, impossible deal...
I wake up and I start my new day.
