My eyes are turned inwards...

My eyes are turned inwards:
on petrified seacoast
I stand at the boundless ocean of gloom.
Beneath leaden clouds
horizon's disrupted
by titanic limbs of neptunian doom.
Amongst madid boulders
and spiritless seaweed,
where ocean exhales its whisperous moans,
you pierce my lungs with
your unearthly touches,
to sprout inside me by serpentine thorns.

And then, from the inside,
you look through inverted
and arrogant gaze at the desperate world.
Those relentless creatures...
They left us no feelings,
because their freedom is betrayed and sold.
But now, right within these
red unified vessels,
in amalgamated electrified nerves,
unnamed and unspoilt
our pulse is created.
Our own. Inhuman, aglimmer and curved.

