Высоцкий - Баллада о цветах. Ballad about flowers


No reason asks for pardon while singing of the best.
She blossomed in a garden secluded from the rest.

She lived next to the ranchos with mom what I can tell.
The chestnut with its branches hid her from glances well.

No matter how close, but Chestnut ain’t enough.
Inevitably Rose saw someone she’ll love.

He looked so cute and heady, was very nice and boon.
His Mom was a grand lady.  His Dad was a tycoon.

Lost mind Narcissus causes when  Daddy’s dough is spent 
Before of many roses he has inhaled the scent.

He was sprayed as a kiddie - ain’t smell but pure dope.
Liaison with the sweetie just no one could stop.

To follow the pattern the fiend said at once:
Come out of the garden. We gonna have romance.

Is there something better? Love has no other name.
She ran like from the ghetto with him. Whom should we blame?

Removing moral vetoes, she bashfully succumbed
And all her ardent petals got captured by that scum.

She looked for love and passion and had no faintest clue
Of Poppy’s an old-fashioned desire in plain view.

She didn’t have idea her story is banal.
With petals she was dear. No more she is a doll.

The poppy seeds fell loosely as mourning marked its sign.
And Chestnut cried profusely when spring began to shine.

Баллада о цветах, деревьях и миллионерах
Музыка Билаш А. - Слова Высоцкий В.

В томленьи одиноком,
В тени - не на виду -
Под неусыпным оком
Цвела она в саду...

Из кинофильма "Опасные гастроли" ( 1969 г.)
