
The pigs are playing their role:
The first is standing at the bowl,
The other's squealing near-by:
I also want my piece of pie!

And boar is baring his fangs:
What? Am I in the second ranks?
Hey, dirty piggies, move aside!
You've been already satisfied!

Support me, smaller beasts around!
Do let me in, don't let me down!
When I am getting fat and pleased,
Your living standard will be much increased!

The fight begins among this fat elite,
They scratch each other their furs a little,
Smear each other with some mud,
Mark grazes, vestiges of blood.

And smaller beasts are drawn into the fight,
They push each other, quarrel, bite,
And in the yard there is a roar:
Whom are you for? For pigs or for the boar?
