Эпиграмма - пер. Е. А. Баратынского

by Eugenyi Abramovich Baratynsky

How could you overcome the foolishness of a fool man?
You can't tell him any word to the point;
He seems more simple in his face, but then
In ordinary life he is complex.
With all around he is shocked,
And everything he sees the wrong way round.
He's loving stupidly, and more,
He's hating stupidly, you know. 


Как сладить с глупостью глупца?
Ему впопад не скажешь слова;
Другого проще он с лица,
Но мудреней в житье другого.
Он всем превратно поражон,
И всё навыворот он видит:
И бестолково любит он,
И бестолково ненавидит.

