What is love?

Love is your hands
With caress which never ends

Love is your face
With your smile, even its trace

Love is your soul
Living for you is my goal

Love is a great art
Giving to you all my heart

Love is happiness
With you, forever and endless

Love never lies
Shining always in your eyes

Love never sleeps
When you kiss me with your lips

Love ever flies
With angel wings in the skies

Love cries with tears
When soul hurts and heart fears

Love is children of ours
We grow like beautiful flowers

Love is sweet like pears
Eating you for seventeen years

Love is you, my wife
You are the sense of my life!

Nice poem. I like it.

Фаина Фанни   27.02.2012 14:56     Заявить о нарушении
Thank You, Fine'n'Funny! ;)))))

Съргъй Писатель-И-Поэт   27.02.2012 15:06   Заявить о нарушении
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