Marina Tsvetaeva - Gone To Nowhere
Gone to holes - all the seas!
Owners of a few bucks ripped -
Can't afford an ocean trip!
Poverty perennial bust!
Again summers feel like a dusty crust!
Our seas turned shallow:
Our summers - others swallowed!
Fat cats burst - fat their "gloss" -
Eat not only fat but thought -
Ours - in poems, songs, and vaults -
Cannibals from Parisian halls!
Feast on us, feast for free -
You, moron, rinse your mouth
With our immortal masterpiece!
Be forever cursed for this
Shame: my hand to render
While my five fingers itch -
Across your face - for you to remember -
Here is my signature stitch!
1932 - summer 1935
16/10/2011, VP
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