
Forgive me please my Heaven's Lord,
For I am not yet at Your board.
For all the tears
I haven't seen
In any day,
For all my fears
Strong and keen
You took away.
For all ideas
To be produced
Somewhere inside,
For my ideals
From early youth
That calmly died.
For all the gods
I used to pray
Though they're dead,
For all my words
I had to say,
But haven't said.
For all Your seeds
Sown at my field-
Just grow none,
For all my deeds
To be fulfilled-
They aren't yet done.
What do I seek?
Give me a tool
To find my goal.
I'm so weak
And not so cool
To rule my soul.
Forgotten kiss,
The Beast's release,
Your word unheard-
For all of this
Forgive me please
My dear Lord...

Very impressive. A great quantity of deep thoughts is being born inside. I'm sure, the Highest Lord is living personally inside Your Soul. The Soul of a Warrior, the Soul of a Winner, in accordance with Your name. Sincerely Yours.

Влад Светлый   07.04.2018 15:34     Заявить о нарушении
If I only had not so many sins inside that let me down I wouldn't write this...Thanx.

Виктор Ковязин   09.04.2018 07:31   Заявить о нарушении
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