No idea
No idea why I'm writing this crap. I mean these sappy "poor me, so sad and angry and unhappy and whatnot" poems. I know you read them and you think I'm some sort of emo wuss. For the most part, it's true. I don't hang around in checkered black and pink clothes and I don't have this crazy hair emos have, but everything else is in place. Now there's nothing wrong with being emo when you're 16 or 17, but when you're 29 and will be turning 30 in a couple of weeks... yeah. Lol. Kinda hate myelf a bit for writing this fluffy angst poetry. It's pretty embarassing. Guess it's a way that I found to let out some steam and deal with depression and bad mood. Now I'm not suicidal, bi-polar or anything, but I can be a moody SOB pretty often. Wish it wasn't like this, but it's out of my hands.
© Copyright:
Евгений Шпунт, 2011
Свидетельство о публикации №111100900841
Здравствуй, Жень.
Когда я спросила тебя, почему ты пишешь стихи лишь на английском, тебе надо было просто меня направить сюда.
Жень, я перевела *Следы песка* Джона. Глянь пазязя?
Ещё раз с Новым Годом тебя, дружище!
Миррор 01.01.2012 23:14
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