Do not go, Steve Jobs, do not go...
We cry in the snow and the rain:
- Come to us, Steve!
We are with you will find
E way to the stars, joining the battle for love,
As you always did -
And we again agree humbly
to follow you!
Not go, Steve Jobs, from us! Come back!
Do not leave us alone in this nightmare world!
We extend a hand to you - and you smile at us -
And again we will be happy together on this earth!
You taught us how to live, you got us in a circle,
And in every home was a welcome guest
You when your mobile rang suddenly once -
And all the music sounded free of the Earth around us,
filling our hearts with happiness!
And this world is not bad and not good,
So he only how we see it.
Once again, we will save your Macintosh
Рass quickly with all the pain and hurt.
Get back to us, Steve, and again we believe
That we can overcome any obstacles in its path,
That we are not afraid to be any tests,
Because next to us shall be you!
You should know, Steve, the truth that over
The years we have become, thanks to you, a little wiser!
We have come to believe that one day we can open the doors
Leading to heaven as you did once.
Do not go, Steve Jobs, from us! Do not go...
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