Larisa Caterpillar

Плейкаст от Нины Галустян

There once lived a small caterpillar named Larisa. She was so small that if you would run on the road or walk on it you to spot her would not be that simple. In order to introduce yourself to her you would need to bend your head down and looking very closely under every leaf and then maybe you would be lucky and see her.
In the thick grass where she lived there were also other unique walks of life, but today I will talk about Larisa the caterpillar. At that particular time when she was a small caterpillar and crawled from grass to grass, the grass was so thick that the sun would not shine and the shade from the trees and leaves making her almost invisible. When she was born her dream was to find a particular place where she could always see the sunrise, sunsets and be thankful for the sunshine which she receives.
Once she chose grass which was higher and when morning came she started to climb up on it, higher and higher from the ground but the grass was weak and could not hold her and when she almost saw the sun Larisa the caterpillar was on the ground once again.
She did not have a chance to see the sun this time but she saw that not far from where she lived there was a very tall tree and the tree would help here see the sun.
One morning she left to go to the tall tree. Her journey was very long but compared to you and me it was only a couple of steps. For the caterpillar it was a very long distance and in order for her to reach her destination she needed to spend a lot of time and effort. We do not know how much time went by but our caterpillar came very close to the tree and asked the tree to help her make her dream come to and see the sun.
The tree was very big and he was busy with other things like growing leaves which took up a lot of his time, and he needed to take care of every leaf. For our little Caterpillar Larisa it was not that simple to get the attention of the tree this is why she had to wait for a very long time until she got the attention of the tree. Larisa finally got the attention of the tree and it let her climb up its branches to the very top in order for her to see  the sun and even let Larisa eat some of its leaves on her way to the top due to the journey being very long.
Larisa the caterpillar thanked the tree and thought to herself that she would only eat how many leaves she needed to eat in order to complete her journey.
One Morning Larisa departed on a trip which would change  her whole life. The truth is that getting to the top this time was much harder than she had figured due to the wind which was trying to blow her onto the grass. At an instance Larisa the caterpillar did not even understand what had happened. She thought to herself that she was flying but this cannot be because she does not know how to fly and she could only crawl. Then she thought that she was probably falling and she actually was and ended up on the grass beside the tree. She was very upset remembering this moment due all of the strength and energy she had wasted to make her dream come true.
On this note our story could have come to an end if her dream to see the sun but she did not give up and saw the sun. She came to the conclusion that she must be careful and all she will accomplish all of her goals.
Larisa the caterpillar had a small break near the tree, because the fall which she just had endured could had made anybody realize that they did not want to carry on, but she carried on her journey. Once again the wind had tried to blow her to the ground but she did not give up. Our caterpillar had many obstacles on her journey.
At one point she was so tired that she thought she would not be able to see the sun. She wanted to return to a place which she was used to and comfortable with. This even occurs which not even people but even with superheroes but only we can help them overcome these challenges. This happens at a certain moment when we find the strength inside us to cope with these obstacles. You my reader also can help. If you learn to overcome your weaknesses and sad mood you must understand that without you this story would never occur and if you do not continue the story, Larisa the caterpillar or she will be stuck at the middle of the tree forever.  For myself personally it would be very sad to leave her there by herself this is why I am continuing to write the story.
We do not know how much time went by from the time Larisa the caterpillar had started her journey, but the day came when she had finally made it to the top of the tree. If she were to look down then she would most likely get a headache and her mood would sadden, but her dream was to see the sun was coming closer and closer every minute this is why she had found the strength inside of her to become patient.
When from the horizon the sun had appeared and its rays had touched the top of the tree, Larisa the caterpillar had felt her small heart becoming very glad and it started to beat faster and faster changing the whole world around her.
When Larisa the caterpillar had realized that she had become a beautiful butterfly and can fly wherever she wanted to, she understood why the wind blows and that she could always be close to the sun.
She was very thankful to the tree for its help, and she opened her beautiful wings and flew into the blue skies.
Our story comes to an end , to whomever to listened Thank you.

Артур, читала сказку, восхищалась.
Я так же , как Лариса-гусеница,
так мечтала подняться на такую вершину,
чтоб ближе видеть солнце.
И поднялась, взглянула вниз, увидела долину,
Альпийские луга меня манили .
Любовалась на картины,
С высоты альпийских гор,
Где цветущие долины,
Словно сказочный ковёр.
Такой экстрим! Восторг и радость!
С уважением и с наилучшими пожеланиями,

Берегинюшка   15.10.2013 09:00     Заявить о нарушении
Раиса, дорогая !!!
огромное ВАМ спасибо !!!
очень ВАМ благодарен за эти строки !!!
на песне про КАзахстан уже больше 3000 просмотров
С теплом !!!
Хорошего ВАМ настроения!!!

Артур Урванцев   15.10.2013 23:24   Заявить о нарушении
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