Voices Голоса

Rambler's Of top100
It is published in the periodical:
“The children of the Ra” 2006, №1
Constantine [Kedrov]
Roman- play. End

    It is printed with the reductions. End.
    Beginning read into №№ 3, 4 (2004), 5-10 (2005)

    * * *

    Yuri [Baturin] (politician and cosmonaut). In space the most interesting - crew.

    Leo Tolstoy. Present life is accomplished, where it is imperceptible. No one sees, as grass grows and grain ripens.

    [Konfutsiy]. I know how to catch fish, it in the water. I know how to catch bird, it in air. I know, as to grasp snake and mole in the earth. But where and as to grasp dragon?

    Dragon. I know how to swallow [Konfutsiya]. But as to gorge [Lao]-[Tszy]?

    [Lao]-[Tszy]. Dragon must be caught in itself.

    For [ya]. [Slovo] “infinity” must be replaced “with immensity”. That is infinite for one, completely [obemlemo] for another. The butterfly, that lives one day, in state to the hardly present the life of man, but person, who lives 70 years, does not understand, which means one day of butterfly. If man understands infinity of the day of butterfly, he will feel eternity.

    Spinoza. The thus, [sovershenneyshiy] person not about which so much thinks as about death.

    [Ya]. Spinoza died the 42nd year olds from tuberculosis.

    Spinoza. Itself I about this nothing know and I do not want to know. Since that existing regarding exists, but not existing regarding does not exist. Death - not existence. Consequently, it does not exist. Eternity - existence, therefore, it is.

    Alexander [Lazarevich]. Spinoza says that everything with interconnected circuit of cause and effect, and in my opinion around one chaos.

    Philosopher [Zarbabov]. have we in MGU seminar for necessarily and chance. Leader of [bukhtel] to us about the regularity. It is said, chance - special case of regularity. In the morning it went to the seminar for upper cup mossy, in trolley bus it was torn away also on the darkness. Outright. The seminar ended on that.


    Before you, [detki], weft.
    It large forgive
    those, children,
    this is elephant.
    It is enormous and strong.
    In it as in Chinese,
    Grew large…
    Before you eider- bird,
    It does not fear frost.
    The whole day it sits in the nest,
    It rummages…
    in to down.
    You do know what is infinity is?

    I know [Ya]. [Ne].


    To Pope of [zdelali] boots,
    not boots, but picture.
    Pope walks on the cottage,
    it beats mother on pi
    [zdelali] boots,
    not boots, but picture.
    Pope walks on the cottage,
    it beats mother on pi
    [zdelali] boots…

    Number in kindergarten


    I arrived from to the village
    To [Marusyu] to look.
    I see, there is here people much,
    But There is no [marusi] entirely.

    Fog. How do you do, [Vantya].

    [Vanka]. How do you do, [Mantya].

    Fog. You from where?

    [Vanka]. From the village.

    Promised to you I, [Mantya],
    Bast sandals are new to [prinest].


    What you, [Vantya], crazed?
    Will bast sandals I bear!
    I can, at least,
    Overshoes are new to purchase.

    Moderator of the trade-union committee of writers. We are created so that there would be no [prazdnoshayushchikhsya] and neglected writers. We must assume all, who are printed, even those, who sat in the prison.

    Deputy moderator. We must assume even those, who will sit in the prison.

    [Ya]. [Tolko] I entered the trade-union committee of writers in order not to be that accused of the sponging, as in the newspaper “Soviet culture” appears the article “roof”, where it is black on white written, that the so-called trade-union committees became roof for the doubtful personalities and the spongers. They covered trade-union committee, but, fortunately was brought down the Soviet regime.

    Wife of the lead

    And lead said to the wife of its: “Do not look at me, as I will recline with the prostitutes”. And the wife of lead piously observed prohibition. But wanderers once arrived and on the custom first they reclined with the daughters of lead, and they then required lead itself together with the wife. The wife of the lead of [uzrela], as wanderers they reclined with the lead, and immediately became salt pillar. Wanderers threw lead and they began greedily it to lick. By them salt was not sufficient. Since then whoever it came to the lead, they first of all licked its wife, and they already then made demands on daughters and owner. And the more they it licked, the more affectionate they became and the more reliable. The proverb so that arose: “You want to lick wife To [lotovu]?” Thus told wives husbands, [koi] by all satiated and desired [solenenkogo]. Tsar Solomon ordered to place wife To [lotovu] in holy of holies and came to it, after satiating forty prostitutes on the bed. And immediately ogive Solomon returned to the prostitutes, glorifying righteous lead for the fact that he has this righteous wife. The wife Of [lotova] weighed exactly pood after it became salt pillar. Therefore it appeared the proverb- allegory: “I with it the pood of salt ate”. And they understood everything, with which the discussion in reality dealt.

    [Yakunin]. Immediately after the putsch Of [ponomarev] brought to us [Gaydara] Chubais. They sat as schoolboys, and we asked, that they are collected to make, if they enter into the government. To Yeltsin they meanwhile brought Svyatoslav Fedorov, and there was danger, that will be appointed it. Yeltsin called us for the consultation. We are mudflow for the table. And here I suddenly for some reason began to shout and even to beat by cam along the table: “If you do not appoint [Gaydara], democratic union will leave in the opposition! Have this in the form!”

    Yeltsin. It is good, we will take into consideration your opinion.

    [Yakunin]. After two hours premier assigned [Gaydar]. But Yeltsin told me. “Gleb [Palych], be turned, you come to me at any time”. But soon it washed down, and all approaches it blocked [Korzhakov].

    Maria Fedorovna. They began to drag me to political education. And they entrusted Marx's pamphlet. I tell them:
    - Who this did transfer?
    - A that such?
    - It is here written: “Fight [borbuetsya] by fight”.
    - This is dialectics.
    - This is simple balderdash, illiterate transfer!

    Marx. Life - this is fight.

    Putin. [Tekvando]. Here they were encountered on the carpet, they bowed, and they would can simple into the forehead to give.

    [Ya]. [My] with Lena in recent years frequently they walked in guests on the turn to the mom, to Maria [Fedorovne]. But visits sometimes were combined. Once after mom they arrived at Maria To [fedorovne].
    - Grandmother beckoning, we are not today hungry. We to you from the mom.

    Maria Fedorovna. Certainly! They ate till full there entire fatty.

    [Alla] Of [demkova] (song on the exhaust evening of the 68-[oy] school Kazan, 1960 g.).

    Wind [stuchit] in our room,
    In the windows the dark blue penetrates,
    Listen to, people, but you remember
    These simple words.
    You will find love - its [khrani],
    Let it shine to you in the way.
    Look do not drop it,
    Because by another not to find.
    It is it's a pity, that once did not know we
    Truths of this simple,
    It is it's a pity, that love lost we
    By old rainy by time.
    You will find love - its [khrani]…

    Rabinovich. I can say in 69 years that, with the entire love for the Jewish people, I consider that nationality not main thing.

    Colleague. Certainly! Moreover although you and Rabinovich, mom in you Russian.

    Rabinovich. I have mom Russian? Nothing similar. In me… i have normal mom.

    The basics Of [alibekovna] [Takho]- befit (assumes examination in the student Of [litinstituta]). Describe about the celebration of phallic cult in ancient Greece.

    Student. Greek girls dispatch to the holiday with the efflorescent phalluies in the hands.

    [Takho]- befit. With what?

    Student. Some bore the efflorescent phalluies, others with the already matured fruits.

    Student Of [litinstituta]. I found the verses of the [obaldennoy] German poetess - Maria To [rilke].


    And hangman left to hang. And here one he hung wrong, and another obliquely, and the third directly. And they said everything: “Earlier it hung at random, and now it hangs directly”. But from this no one not more easily: neither fact, whom it hung nor fact, for whom it hung. Neither that, whom it hung obliquely nor that, whom it hung wrong nor that, whom it hung directly. And no one said the thanks to hangman for his difficult labor. But indeed he thus tried to hang directly.

    [Mashinskiy] (is taken from the chute cucumber, it smells). But they in you fresh?

    Salesman. Yes perhaps cucumber can be stale?

    [Mashinskiy]. But how much does cost?

    Salesman. 3 rubles 60 kopecks.

    [Mashinskiy] (it places cucumber conversely). Stale.

    Salesman (in a whisper). [Zhidovskaya] snout.

    Rosalie [Davydovna], the wife Of [mashinskogo] (on the motor ship in the restaurant). You have any pastry?

    Waitress. No.

    Rosalie [Davydovna]. But fancy bread?

    Waitress. No.

    Rosalie [Davydovna]. But wafer?

    Waitress. No.

    Rosalie [Davydovna]. Well, although any pastry?

    Waitress. No.

    Rosalie [Davydovna]. Well, then bring at least grain crops.

    Waitress. Bread ended also it will not be to the end of the voyage.

    Rosalie [Davydovna]. However, and that you have?

    Waitress. Sour cream, only stale.

    Ya. after [vkusheniya] of sour cream entire further voyage was accompanied by diarrhea.

    Poet [Vil] [Mustafin] (verses 1962 g.).

    You at night fathers shot,
    But in the morning moms.
    But after us on the orphanages.
    There the colors of tub,
    There for the tears of pillow,
    Container-that-that-that- that.
    But you? You “after” were.
    You forgot,
    As by you,
    As into the stomach by feet,
    They beat.


    I again sit in the entrenchments
    And I take the pale form.
    In me froze zh…,
    This it means - it drizzles.
    Shower, shower…
    We will not sow and do not plough,
    We do not drag along fool,
    We wave from the belfry X… m -
    We drive away clouds.
    Shower, shower…
    As in the kolkhoz “red bast sandal”
    Brigade leader gives detail:
    “You walk to the work,
    in zh… in e… ache people!”
    Shower, shower…

    Alexander [Lazarevich]. “Philosopher [Zaruma] cut to himself eyelashes in order not to sleep. Tea tree grew from them. Since then tea drives off sleep”.

    Teacher (to schoolgirl). Yes that you, with sugar they do not feed, that whether? You consider nothing.

    Schoolgirl (after lowering head). They do not feed.

    Teacher. Who did eat chalk? I do ask, who did eat chalk?

    [Ya]. Mel they regularly ate everything. In the organisms of schoolboys calcium was not sufficient.


    Ring me, ring,
    Even if X… will not arise,
    Happy it will nevertheless become,
    Ring me ring…


    Only that is worthy life and freedom,
    Who to the lesson brings sandwiches.


    If teacher expels you from the class,
    If to you not into happiness bright corridor,
    You into the canteen visit, you will purchase patty,
    Patty with the jam - this very well.
    And smile, without [somnenya],
    It will suddenly touch your eyes,
    And the good mood
    More than you will not leave.

    Teacher. Who did drink inks? I do ask, who did drink inks?

    [Ya]. [Chernil] also pili. Everything gradually and everything on the turn, and sometimes for the company.

    Teacher. In all violet lips as in the deceased. They would shame slightly.

    Anecdote. Two friends are encountered.
    - You why was late?
    - You understand, I on the street met my gynecologist.
    - I he that, did learn you into the person?

    Song (50th years).

    That after the excellent earth
    around [Kokteblya] bay -
    state farms, b…, kolkhozes, b…, nature.
    But spoil this beauty here arrived that
    [neyadtsy], b…, moral freaks.
    Sponger under the bush will sleep,
    it is not occupied by the labor
    and by sport, b…, and by sport, b…, and by sport.
    There are by ideal none,
    one girl to three
    and Shortts, b…, and Shortts, b…, and Shortts.
    Form in girl it is terrible goal,
    however, where the komsomol looks
    and school, b…, and school, b…, and school.
    One bathing suit only on it,
    and under the bathing suit, by it- it,
    All goal, b…, all goal, b…, all goal.
    Today fellow drinks vodka,
    and it tomorrow sells plans
    Native, b…, Soviet plant.
    Today fellow in the beard,
    and tomorrow where - in [NKVDe].
    Freedom, b…, freedom, b…, freedom.


    I went by forest, song he sang.
    The bear pressed to me.
    I wanted to embrace him,
    He said: “E… to the mother!”

    Alexander [Pavlovn]. Here is the fresco of terrible law court. Sinners are fried in hell. But to understand is necessary symbolically. Infernal fire - this of flour of conscience.

    Cat. But as to understand resurrection itself? Indeed corpses leave from the earth, from the water, from the fire and even from the mouth of beast living and unharmed.

    Alexander [Pavlovn]. This is the symbol of spiritual revival. In reality dead persons will not rise again.

    Cat. But Christ?

    Alexander [Pavlovn]. This, of course, fairy tale.

    [Ya]. [Ne] I know as there after death, and dead persons rise again with the life and become all more close ones and real. Me it does not interest, that there after death. To me it is important that here and now.

    Hans Zlatoust. The Christ of [voskres], and there is not one corpse in the coffins.

    Bishop Sergius. These are it [khvatanul]. But how not one corpse, if all cemeteries are oppressed?

    [Ya]. [Kladbishch] they are oppressed by the bodies of those killed, and rise again their souls. And they rise again in us.

    Yuri Liubimov. Again optimism?

    [Ya]. [Prostite] generously, more I will not be.

    Liubimov. How.

    Hope Of [vladimirovna]. [Kostenka]! I something not floodlands. I [voskresla] or not [voskresla]?

    [Ya]. [Pok] I am living, you living. But when me it will not be, will remain this play. And each time, when they will read it and listen to, we everything will rise again.

    Alexander [Lazarevich]. Here this and there is a present theater. Theater begins not from the canteen, but from the resurrection.

    Ya. A eternal life continues on the scene.

    Liubimov. But already from the scene smoothly it passes in the foyer, into the canteen, in the metro, into the trolley bus.

    Ya. in Zhiguli, into [toyoty], into the Mercedes.

    Liubimov. Well, this already you were sufficient. To Zhiguli where not it went, while into [toyoty] - this already too.

    Alexander [Lazarevich] and Leo Tolstoy. But most reliable on foot.

    [Ya]. [Po]-[vashemu], the less the speed, the nearer to the eternity.

    Liubimov. Here precisely! More quietly you will go - further you will be. So that, if you please, you disperse quietly. Can include your telephones and pagers. And I entreat you, do not leave chewing gum on the backs of armchairs.

    Constantine [Kedrov] (Moscow) - poet, criticisms, publisher. It was born in 1942 in Rybinsk. It finished the historico-philological department of Kazan' university and the graduate study of the literary institute [im]. OF [A].[M]. of Gor'kiy. Candidate of philological sciences, the doctor of philosophical sciences. It taught in the literary institute of the name [A].[M]. of Gor'kiy (1973 - 1986). Publisher and the editor in chief “of the periodical of poets”, the member of the editorial board of the journal “children the Ra”. [Nominant] to the Nobel Prize. Author of the numerous books and publications.

© 2001 periodical hall in RZh, “Russian periodical” | Address for the letters: zhz@russ.ru
On all questions to be turned to Tatiana [Tikhonovoy] and By [sergeyu] [Kostyrko] | On the project
