Full Moon

Changes come to me
Cause I am ready
Squeezing me all inside out
For my courage be brave
For my rod to stay steady
Strong and straight
Like a string
For the fight
And for music to hear
On the ray of the light
Frenzied conscious so clear
Deeper the water,
Hiding alone
On a string of the Fire
Higher than Universe
Mindless in fields
Even higher….
Than wonderness  builds
In the end of emotion
Doubter would have
The aim to subject to devotion
And I will guess
Why playing this chess
You never checkmate me
My destiny-mistress
Showed off already lately
And here we are
And all around
Consist of atoms, elements
And smaller particles and fractions
Never ever found
Safe and sound
Once sparkling splash in all directions!
A whole number of questions
Somebody will ask
From the queue of you.

12-13 september 2011
