Life-Work Balance

reads to "Pete Rock - Da Villa" instrumental

Work's dragging routine - mechanical
Keyboard stroke tap-tap-tap...
Maniacal, request: do more with less!
Promote synergies, with effective finesse
Never mind where to get the energies!
Super-food maxed-out enhancement pills
Kills! Plus some power bars for the keeping
Full-time-equivalent units - sinking!
Paid for 'x?' hours a day, performing till 12!
Let's welcome!
Universe, Inc., in which we chose to dwell
Over-people climbing, a huge stairwell
Shooting for stars and top-jobs done well!

...and then...
back to the shelter...
half-hour with kids...
"Honey, I'm home! Tired" (always)
Weekend's sleep and porches to sweep...
Life's bitter, but not without its sweets!
For so many it's that or land on the street...

And then - it's 5 AM!!!
Back to land, where slopes are steep!
Where few sheep seen among wolves
Signal papers signed by high-end schools
Genius fools, and blank-personalities
Encouraging progress, adapt to realities
Dollar-shaped monuments standing erect
Filtered through prism of polit-correct
Truth reminds some obscure euphemism,
Chaotic order, greed-driven cataclysm!
No matter the cost, job-show must go on!
'This tournament's prize is VERY hard-won!
Go with the flow or be gone!

...and then...back to the shelter...

Не спит только яппи, терзая ноутбук, -
Лупит по клавишам: тук-тук-тук...

Арт-Ателье Феериччи   29.03.2012 23:46     Заявить о нарушении
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