
the choice is simple, yet complex
to join the flow or back to the beginning
the knife of thoughts, my mind dissects
I have but minutes, it's almost final inning

so many roads of picks ahead
so many doors that closed behind
i threat myself to start the tread
of something seemingly benign

a plethora of things, around, in flight
from black to white,
with lots of whats and whys
and ways and weighs
the yeses and the neighs

I can go back, abaft the beam
a lead to navigate the dream
that woke me up so early for so long
or should I tell that dream: "so long?!"
or I can stay and buoy with tide
diurnally, the lows the highs
and trust my masters
to choose the height
of my yet undetermined flight

the cons, the pros and I suppose
you too relate to poor decision making

I known for certain, when it's done
my sight will leap - direction forward
for now...however, having fun
with sea- against the shore-ward

it's very near,
it's close enough to touch
it's scalpel's sharp before incision
I only hope to know this much
I want to make the right decision

I like your allusions. Makes one feel as confused and as hopeful as at a crossroads.

Беляева Дина   05.09.2011 03:07     Заявить о нарушении