Even angels become men, when they see woman s sins

Why should you be alone? Why should you forget your thoughts?
Why should you try to find a part of truth in foolish words?
Why should you listen to him? Why should you become his nurse?
And why couldn't you buy your clothes in the best stores?

Open your eyes, open your ears! Didn't you know? - you're not a slave!
You won't be against this laws... You should be strong, you should be brave.
Remember days from your childhood, remember all, don't be afraid.
Although, he rules over your life today, you know you can change it.

Do you remember your first love? Do you remember your first kiss?
How many times you share a bed with him in a real life and day-dreams?
I don't wanna hide the truth and you know, what it means -
Even angels become men, when they see woman's sins.
